THE AUTOMATIC BUTTER PRESSING MACHINE has a very solid and strong structure, and it is very easy and simple to use, it’s a
fast and silent machine. This divider has a complete hydraulic functioning and this same system regulate the hooking of the lid so, it
can grant the maximum safeness, an extraordinary silence in closure phase and avoid the waste of dough.
This machine is high recommended for the pressing of rectangular blocks of dough or butter/margarine. The digital wiring is completely
isolated; it is provided with a digital timer in order to assure a perfect pressing of each block. At the end of each working cycle the machine
stops, avoiding overheating of the motor, oil and energy consumption.
The internal part of the machine gives a further hygieneguarantee thanks to the high quality components, as aisi 304 stainless steel for basket,
and food nylon for the working surface.