The electric pizza oven has been a best seller for years to pizza restaurants worldwide. No wonder why since this oven is one of the most reliable ones on the market. It is robust and meet every pizza chefs requirements when it comes to bake flavor and tastier pizzas as well as functionality, volume, convenience and economy.
This commercial pizza oven is available in four different widths and it is also modular which means it is possible to add decks afterwards if necessary. This means that it is adaptable to most pizza restaurants.
The Sveba Dahlen pizza oven is supplied with a well-controlled and tested baking stone, which absorbs heat and produces an evenly baked pizza. The temperature in each oven section can be adjusted separately, as well as the top, bottom and front temperature. The oven quickly reaches the preset temperature thanks to the turbo function.
An AC guard makes it possible to connect this Swedish pizza oven to a smaller circuit breaker. This means that the oven automatically distributes the power to the deck that needs it most!
Of course this pizza oven is very well insulated, and the therefore heat is stored inside the oven, which, on the one hand, provides a good working environment, but also results in a more energy-efficient oven, thus becoming more economical to own.