by admin-femac on 5th August 2014
The nice people at SHICHIYO Japan held a showcase of their remarkable state of the art Nanbang Baken oven at our test kitchen recently. Showcasing the many functions of the oven by baking castella cakes, pudding, Mochi Pies and buns.
It was a successful 4 hour long private event for the big names of our pastry and patisserie market in Singapore.
Introducing the divine tasting castella cake which requires many steps of temperature and baking time to create. All done with the touch of a few buttons and the Nanbang oven makes the delicate process easy for an inexperienced baker to handle.
At the end of the event, all the invitees where treated to samples of great tasting bread and pastries.
This is just one of the many events which will be coming to our test kitchen in the near future. So keep yourself posted on upcoming events on our facebook page or right here on our website.